Four habits to increase your productivity as a student
As a student, the most essential thing in your life is productivity wherever you go people will pay you or give you attention on the basis of your productivity
But unfortunately, the majority of people are not productive because they don't know the importance of it or if they know they don't know to increase their productivity
So here is the answer to increase your productivity and become the best in your life in terms of money, fame, etc
There are four habits to increase your productivity
1-Work atmosphere around you
It's very important to maintain the work atmosphere around you, it plays important role in your productivity if the atmosphere is very messy around you then you won't be able to focus and work it's a fact so always try to maintain a good work atmosphere around you make sure that your desk is very organized and clean if you are working from home than making sure your room is very clean and organized
2-Avoid your mobile
In the time of social media or technology, everyone is addicted to the mobile. scientifically if you spend too much time on your mobile or on social media so your mind becomes lazy and at that time you won't be able to focus always try to put your mobile on silent mode and turn off all the notifications of your mobile
3-Read books
Yaa, I know everywhere you hear read books and you feel it's very boring and its true majority of the people get bored from the books but because of the because you always feel some kind of energy that people are doing so many things I also should do and if you get bored then try to listen to audio books
This is one of the best habit to make yourself productive whatever you learn or think related to your work always try to implement it because when you implement it and it gets failed so you get an idea of how to improve it and if gets successful then you feel that your idea worked I have to do more
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